Hp-ux Patch Management Pdf
Canon Network Scangear Twain Software For Epson on this page. Los parches para los equipos HP-UX se deben bajar de la web para ello deben dar de alta un user dentro de la misma pagina y vinclularlo con un contrato de soporte activo. Instalacion de SWA Bajar el soft de la ultima version de swa actualmente es la C.02.85 Una que lo bajamos y copiamos al equipo procedemos a la instalacion swinstall -s /tmp/SwAssistant_C.02.85_HP-UX_B.11.23_IA_PA.depot Luego de la instalacion verificamos el estado del producto swverify SWA ======= 03/30/11 10:24:11 SAT BEGIN swverify SESSION (non-interactive) (jobid=test2-0038) * Session started for user 'root@test2'. Toothpaste Font Download more. * Beginning Selection * Target connection succeeded for 'test2:/'.
HP-UX Software Assistant (SWA) is a tool that consolidates and simplifies patch management and security bulletin management on HP-UX systems. SWA combines the versatility and power of the HP IT Resource Center (ITRC) Patch Assessment and Security Patch Check (SPC) utilities, and is the HP-recommended utility to use to maintain currency with HP. HP-UX patches and patch management Patches are software that HP releases to deliver incremental updates to a system. Patches arebest known for delivering defect fixes, but also deliver new functionality and features, enablenew hardware, and update firmware.