Install Printer Driver Command Line
I am trying to automatically-and-silently install a specific printer driver(ghostpdf) and printer to prepare multiple machines for running tests. I use rundll32 printui.dll, PrintUInternet Explorerntry /Gw /ia /m 'Ghostscript PDF' /K /h x64 /v 3 /f 'c: temp lib ghostpdf.inf' The c: temp lib has driver copied for GhostPDF () The installation shows a message 'Windows can't verify the publisher of this driver software'. There are multiple solutions to suppress this warning, all involves a reboot.

I am working in windows 8.1. I need to install a driver file(. Hp Compaq 8100 Elite Motherboard Manual here. inf file) from command line. Which command i need to use.? I know i have many other method for installing a.inf file, but i must install.
Is there a way to suppress the 'Windows security warning' and install printer driver using scripts? Pilote Controleur De Bus Usb Windows 7 Hp here.
You can attempt to accomplish this two ways: First: Write a batch file for the specific.inf files to be installed: rem tested/works:inf ver findstr /il 'Version 6.' >nul if%ERRORLEVEL%==0 goto:vista:xp start/wait rundll32.exe setupapi,InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall 4%_% goto:eof:vista%SystemRoot% System32 InfDefaultInstall.exe '%_%':eof ****************************************************************************************************************** Second: From the command line type: rundll32 syssetup,SetupInfObjectInstallAction DefaultInstall 128..inf Hope this helps.